ReGEO is designed as a user-friendly database for integrative analytical research. The convenience and accuracy of identifying thousands of potentially useful datasets is expected to catalyze integrative analytical research in the era of Big Data.
ReGEO help manual:
The following Figure 1 illustrates the details of functionality for each button and option on 'Search' page.

Figure 1. The functionality of each entry on 'Search' page
- All search fields are optional. By default, if none of the fields are specified, all the records in the database will be returned, however, the Export button will be inactive.
- ReGEO allows querying multiple entries, separating each entry with ';' within each search box.
- The search terms within the same search box are built into a query using OR operator.
- The search terms in different search boxes are united using AND operator.
- The search terms in the "Search by keyword(s)" input field are used to search against the entire database, however, only selective columns are displayed in the search result summary table. The search keywords are highlighted in the result summary table if the displayed column contains them.
- Each of the timepoint count input fields takes only one positive integer number to specify the minimum and maximum timepoint counts.
- If minimum timepoint count is equal to maximum timepoint count, it will return the records with the exact timepoint count.
- If only minimum timepoint is specified, it will return records with timepoint count greater than or equal to the specified value.
- If only maximum timepoint count is specified, it will return records with timepoint count less than or equal to the specified value.