GSE67518   Details

GSE Accession GSE67518
Title Rosiglitazone-targeted transcriptional networks as gene expression signature of physiological and pathological mineralization
Submission Date 4/1/15
Last Update Date 10/1/15
Pubmed ID
Experiment Type Expression profiling by array
Contributor Claudia,,Bruedigam; Jeroen van de Peppel; Johannes,P,van Leeuwen
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Summary Rosiglitazone-targeted transcriptional networks as gene expression signature of physiological and pathological mineralization – a top-down approach to identify novel targets for bone and vascular health; Clinical studies have recently revealed detrimental skeletal and vascular effects of the insulin sensitizer rosiglitazone. At the cellular level, we have shown earlier that rosiglitazone accelerates osteoblast differentiation from human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) at the expense of increased oxidative stress and apoptosis. In calcifying human vascular cells, rosiglitazone stimulates pathological mineralization, an effect that was diminished by the antioxidant resveratrol. In order to elucidate the transcriptional networks underlying the rosiglitazone-enhanced mineralization phenotype, we performed genome-wide transcriptional profiling of osteogenic hMSCs treated with rosiglitazone for short-term periods of 1 up to 48h during the first two days of culture time, a phase that we show is sufficient to mediate the stimulatory effect of rosiglitazone on mineralization. Microarray-based mRNA expression analysis revealed 190 probes that were differently expressed in at least one condition compared to vehicle-treated control. This rosiglitazone gene signature contained confirmed primary PPAR targets and was also endogenously regulated during osteogenic differentiation from hMSCs and osteoblast-like differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) into calcifying vascular cells (CVCs). Further comparative analysis revealed rosiglitazone targets that were commonly enriched in osteoblasts and CVCs or specifically enriched in either osteoblasts or CVCs. Finally, we compared the expression patterns of CVC-specific genes with patient expression data from carotid plaque versus intact adjacent tissue, and identified five rosiglitazone targets that were differentially regulated in CVCs and carotid plaque but not osteoblasts when compared to their respective non-mineralizing counterparts. These targets, i.e PDK4, SDC4, SPRY4, TCF4, and DACT1 may specifically control extracellular matrix mineralization in vascular cells and hence provide interesting candidates for further investigations to improve vascular health.
Overall Design Total RNA obtained from osteogenic hMSCs, 2 days after induction of differentiation and treatment with rosiglitazone for 1, 3, 6, 24 or 48 h backwards from time-point of harvest compared to 1 h of vehicle control treatment.
Platform ID
Timepoint Count 0
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