GSE50576   Details

GSE Accession GSE50576
Title Abundance of isoforms of adenovirus 5-encoded miRNAs.
Submission Date 9/4/13
Last Update Date 4/1/14
Pubmed ID
Experiment Type Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing
Contributor Florian,,Bellutti; Maximilian Kauer; Reinhard Klein
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Organization Name
Organism Homo sapiens
Organism ID 9606
Organism Synonym man; human
Summary We identified the abundance of isoforms of miRNAs encoded by human adenovirus 5 in total cytoplasmic RNA fractions of infected cells as well as in fractions containing the purified RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC).
Overall Design Human A549 cells were infected with human adenovirus 5 at an MOI of 30 TCID50/cell or were mock-infected. Total RNA was isolated at 30h post-infection. In addition, RNA incorporated in RISC which was isolated by immunoprecipitation using an antibody recognizing all human Argonaute proteins was conducted as well. Purified RNAs were used to generate sRNA libraries with were subjected to RNA sequencing.
Platform ID
Timepoint Count 0
Disease ID