GSE7124   Details

GSE Accession GSE7124
Title Plant and pathogen gene expression during infection by P.sojae of 8 soybean cultivars varying in quantitative resistance
Submission Date 2/23/07
Last Update Date 3/16/12
Pubmed ID
Experiment Type Expression profiling by array
Contributor Brett,M,Tyler; Saghai Maroof; Ann Dorrance; Ina Hoeschele; Steve,S,Martin
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Organization Name
Organism Glycine max; Phytophthora sojae
Organism ID 3847; 67593
Organism Synonym soybeans; soybean
Summary Identify plant and pathogen genes differentially expressed during P. sojae infection of soybean cultivars differing in quantitative resistance, by using Affymetrix Soybean Genome Array analysis.; Keywords: genotypic variation on quantitative resistance
Overall Design RNA samples from mock-inoculated soybean tissue contain 2%-16% spike-in RNA from Phytophthora sojae mycelium grown in liquid sucrose-salts medium.; ; 4 Experimental Replicates x 8 cultivars x 2 Treatments (inoculated or mock) x 2 Timepoints (72hr or 120hr) = 128 samples in total
Platform ID
Timepoint Count 66
Timepoints gsm: [22_w., 26_w., 10_y., .m.3, .m.5, 20_y., 13_w., 18_y., 17_w., 19_y., 25_y., 28_y., 30_w., 11_y., 12_w., 25_w., 10_w., 32_y., 5_y., 7_w., 29_w., 17_y., 2_w., 9_y., 23_y., 27_w., 4_y., 3_y., 14_w., 16_w., 1_w., 30_y., 21_w., 26_y., 22_y., 32_w., 15_y., 19_w., 6_w., 16_y., 11_w., 20_w., 8_y., 7_y., 3_w., 4_w., 14_y., 31_w., 13_y., 21_y., 23_w., 24_w., 27_y., 5_w., 6_y., 1_y., 9_w., 12_y., 18_w., 28_w., 31_y., 15_w., 24_y., 29_y., 2_y., 8_w.]
Disease ID