GSE70305   Details

GSE Accession GSE70305
Title Molecular Characterization of Acute Cellular Rejection Occurring during Intentional Immunosuppression Withdrawal in Liver Transplantation
Submission Date 6/26/15
Last Update Date 6/2/16
Pubmed ID
Experiment Type Expression profiling by array
Contributor A,,Pennycuick; J,J,Lozano; A Sanchez-Fueyo
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Organization Name
Organism Homo sapiens
Organism ID 9606
Organism Synonym man; human
Summary Acute cellular rejection occurs frequently during the first few weeks following liver transplantation. During this period its molecular phenotype is confounded by pro-inflammatory events elicited by surgery, ischemia-reperfusion injury and early post-transplant complications. To unambiguously define the molecular profile associated with rejection we collected sequential biological specimens from liver transplant patients at least 3 years after transplantation who developed rejection while enrolled in trials of intentional immunosuppression withdrawal
Overall Design Transcriptomic RISET 2.0 chips were employed using portal blood vein from 37 liver trasplant patients.Two timepoints were selected: before immunosupressive weaning and rejection time point.
Platform ID
Timepoint Count 37
Timepoints gsm: [w21, w38, w40, w41, w42, w49, w51, w52, w55, w56, w60, w65, w66, w75, w78, w83, w88, w89, w92, w96, w99, w103, w104, w108, w109, w112, w115, w122, w123, w125, w126, w131, w132, w134, w138, w139, w144]
Disease ID