GSE129014   Details

GSE Accession GSE129014
Title Automated High Frequency Sampling of Stem Cell Differentiation Reveals Early Stage Divergence of Human and Mouse Gene Expression Kinetics
Submission Date 3/28/19
Last Update Date 11/22/19
Pubmed ID
Experiment Type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Contributor Christopher,,Barry; Matthew,T,Schmitz; Cara Argus; Jennifer,M,Bolin; Mitchell,D,Probasco; Ning Leng; Bret,M,Duffin; John Steill; Scott,A,Swanson; Brian,E,McIntosh; Ron Stewart; Christina Kendziorski; James,A,Thomson; Rhonda Bacher
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Organization Name
Organism Homo sapiens; Mus musculus
Organism ID 9606; 10090
Organism Synonym man; human; house mouse; mouse
Summary We performed whole transcriptome RNA sequencing experiments of neural differentiation time courses starting from human ES cells (EGFP-H1) and mouse EGFP-EpiS cells. Cells were sampled at high temporal frequency using an automated Tecan Tissue Culture robotics system to sample mouse cells every 4 mins and human cells every 10 mins for the first 10 hours of neural differentiation.
Overall Design Cells were sampled at high temporal frequency using an automated Tecan Tissue Culture robotics system to sample mouse cells every 4 mins and human cells every 10 mins for the first 10 hours of neural differentiation. Cells were pre-seeded in pluripotent conditions (E8 on matrigel for H1 cells and TSS on matrigel for mEpiS cells), then were switched to neural differentiation media and immediately sampled every 4 or 10 mins for mouse and human cells, respectively, for 10 hours.
Platform ID
Timepoint Count 60
Timepoints gsm: [10min_, 20min_, 30min_, 40min_, 50min_, 60min_, 70min_, 80min_, 90min_, 100min_, 110min_, 120min_, 130min_, 140min_, 150min_, 160min_, 170min_, 180min_, 190min_, 200min_, 210min_, 220min_, 230min_, 240min_, 250min_, 260min_, 270min_, 280min_, 290min_, 300min_, 310min_, 320min_, 330min_, 340min_, 350min_, 360min_, 370min_, 380min_, 390min_, 400min_, 410min_, 420min_, 430min_, 440min_, 450min, 460min_, 470min_, 480min_, 490min_, 500min_, 510min_, 520min_, 530min_, 540min_, 550min_, 560min_, 570min_, 580min_, 590min_, 600min_]
Disease ID