GSE108659   Details

GSE Accession GSE108659
Title Analysis of differential gene expression during Bacillus subtilis spore outgrowth
Submission Date 1/2/18
Last Update Date 3/8/18
Pubmed ID 26679589
Experiment Type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Contributor Tonia,,Krawczyk; Anne de Jong
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Organism Bacillus amyloliquefaciens; Bacillus subtilis
Organism ID 1390; 1423
Organism Synonym Bacillus amyloliquifaciens; Bacillus uniflagellatus; Vibrio subtilis; Bacillus natto
Summary The transcriptome of 8 strains were studied during 7 stages of the Morphological phases of sporulation P0 = Resuspention of cells in sporulation medium; P1 = Onset of sporulation before asymmetric division; P2 = Visible asymmetric septum; P3 = Ongoing engulfment of the forespore compartment by the mother cell compartment of sporulating cells; P4 = Completed engulfment (engulfed phase-dark forespores are surrounded by the mother-cell cytoplasm); P5 = Maturation (ongoing dehydration of the forespore core seen as a transition of phase-dark forespores into phase-bright foresppores); P6 = Phase-bright forespores (sporulation almost completed, mother-cells contain phase-bright dehydrated forespores).
Overall Design 8 strains 7 time points
Platform ID
Timepoint Count 114
Timepoints gsm: [; hr3, ; t01, ; t02, ; t03, ; t04, ; t05, ; t06, ; t07, ; t08, ; t09, ; t10, ; t11, ; t12, ; t13, ; t14, ; t15, ; t16, ; t17, ; t18, ; t19, ; t20, ; t21, ; t22, ; t23, ; t24, ; t25, ; t26, ; t27, ; t28, ; t29, ; t30, ; t31, ; t32, ; t33, ; t34, ; t35, ; t36, ; t37, ; t38, ; t39, ; t40, ; t41, ; t42, ; t43, ; t44, ; t45, ; t46, ; t47, ; t48, ; t49, ; t50, ; t51, ; t52, ; t53, ; t54, ; t55, ; t56, ; hr3, ; t01, ; t02, ; t03, ; t04, ; t05, ; t06, ; t07, ; t08, ; t09, ; t10, ; t11, ; t12, ; t13, ; t14, ; t15, ; t16, ; t17, ; t18, ; t19, ; t20, ; t21, ; t22, ; t23, ; t24, ; t25, ; t26, ; t27, ; t28, ; t29, ; t30, ; t31, ; t32, ; t33, ; t34, ; t35, ; t36, ; t37, ; t38, ; t39, ; t40, ; t41, ; t42, ; t43, ; t44, ; t45, ; t46, ; t47, ; t48, ; t49, ; t50, ; t51, ; t52, ; t53, ; t54, ; t55, ; t56]
Disease ID